still struggling with your dog's behavior?

Teach your dog to actually listen.
Without the use of leashes or training collars.

If you are ready to get the peaceful walks, quiet snuggles and doggie kisses you envisioned - then this program is for you.
It's time to stop the madness and get the dog of your dreams.

Master Trainer & Behavior Consultant Presents ~

step by step instructions to SAFELY go
off leash

Want to go off leash?

here's your step by step program to transform your dog into that best buddy you take anywhere with you.

Learn how to communicate with LOVE not fear.

Stop feeling like exhausted and overwhelmed with your dog's behavior.

Shift from feeling frazzled and frustrated with your dog and into an inner space of deep joy, peace, and happiness which will keep you smiling even in the face of your dog's wrong choices.
Find fun and joy in your life with your dog as you drop the stress and overwhelm.

I've been a professional trainer & behavior consultant for over 30 years. I've successfully used these techniques on 1,000s of dogs over the years.

AND I use them everyday on my own dogs. I know they work.
They will work for you too.
BUT ...
the catch is - you have to do it.

Life Changing Benefits

you can expect from this course

* Discover how to effectively communicate with your dog

* Why what your doing may be confusing your dog and how to teach him what you want

* The biggest saboteur of your training efforts and how to correct them

* How to shift your current beliefs to automatically train your dog

* Why long training sessions are never the answer and can actually make behavior WORSE

* How to forge deep connection to your dog

* The proven methods to teaching long lasting, consistent behaviors

* Discover the one thing you must do if you want to get a well behaved dog - for life.

* The real reason you aren't seeing the results you want and how to make changes now.

Why Me?

Not Every Coach/Trainer Has My Experience -

* Over 30 years professional experience
* A mom with human children and decades of real world experience
* Will give you a step-by-step PROVEN strategy
* Veterinarians Recommended
* Member APDT
* Reiki certified
* American Behavior College Mentor
* Master Trainer
* KONG Ambassador
Why Me?

Introductory Price

save over $250 off regular price

Special Pay in Full now just $333
founding member pricing

Course curriculum

What you’ll learn …

    1. Welcome to UNLEASHED !

    2. Why off leash training?

    1. Importance of Clear Communication

    2. How to reprimand

    3. How to reward

    4. The 3 D's

    5. The First Step To Phasing Out Food = Teach A Secondary Reinforcer

    6. Tones Of Voice

    1. Sit Command

    2. Recall Command

    3. Down Command

    4. Watch Me / Attention Training

    1. Off Leash Walking

    2. Off Leash Emergency Recall

    3. Phase Out Food Lures

    1. Dealing with Distractions

    2. Generalizing

    1. Bonding Exercises

    2. Mental Stimulation Activities

About this course

  • $333.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

what people are saying

“your training has made a world of difference with Ember. We are continuing to work with her constantly. She is so sweet and anxious to please us. Thank you. We recommend you often.”

Ember the lab

“Pierre is the love of our lives. He has brought so much joy and happiness into our home, it is incredible.
What I have gleaned from your book and from the classes have been invaluable.
I will never forget your emphasis on the came "come" and the need to get that one down. I am happy to report he as improved so much in this area. I appreciate your instruction on making your dog work for a treat and how much more fulfilling it is for them. Thanks so much for all you do for those of us who love our dogs and want the very best for them! ”


“SASHA - Sasha and I were out for our normal morning walk and she suddenly decided to chase a car. She pulled the leash from my hand and ran after the car. I yelled, "Sasha come!" and she immediately stopped, turned around and ran back to me. Without Cindy's excellent training we could have had a very bad outcome.”


“"Cindy is very attentive and kind. She is extremely knowledgeable and flexible. She takes time to get to know the dogs and their owners and is happy to give individual advice and suggestions to all. She always has the dog’s and owner’s best interest in mind and works hard to help everyone have a positive relationship with their dogs." ”

“"Ms. Cindy is what you would call a legit dog trainer....well I guess mostly a human trainer! I found her online amongst about 6 other trainers and chose her due to her experience and location to my house. I had her come the first time for an in home private session and she gave us some really good advice and things to do to help with our issues. After realizing what she said worked well, I decided I needed more coaching, and put my puppy into her group puppy class and WOW did that make a difference. My Koda really learned socialization which is super important and loved meeting the other puppies. I got a second second puppy about 6 months later and I knew I needed to get him into her class so he could get the same experience. Cindy is very patient and definitely has something that dogs gravitate toward(not just for her treats). I'll be going to more classes as my pups progress through their lives and will ultimately get one of them certified as a therapy dog. I highly recommend Dogs, Etc. whether it's a private lesson or group classes. Your money will not be wasted! " ”

Koda & Tucker

“"You taught us the value of games with them. Teaching them that I'm the pack leader and nothing is free; eg, they have to sit, shake, etc, for food, treats or whatever. It was a game-changer! ”

“​"Thank you, thank you, thank you! The recall exercises we learned saved Bear's life when he ran into the street." ”

Discover your dog’s true potential,
starting today

Bonus material

Extra support at no extra price

  • Lifetime Access

    $1997 value

    Lifetime access to digital online course to reference as much as you'd like.

  • LIVE Group Coaching Call

    $255 value

    Live group coaching Q & A call to keep you on track and give you the support you need.